Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

People Change. That’s Life. Get Over it

Suddenly I see that a lot of people are complaining about certain celebrities because they feel they aren’t as worthy as before because they’ve changed. For the last ten years people have talked about Madonna turning into some boring nun. Recently they’ve started talking about Jennifer Lopez, saying she’s not as exciting or interesting as she used to be. People have made comments about Jay-Z who retired from rap. People have complained about certain actresses and actors, saying they’ve lost their touch. Oh yeah? Are you stupid or what?

New Jennifer

Okay don’t people go through a process of change? Isn’t that the reason for living? Why do people expect someone to be the same forever? I am so sick of people bitching about Madonna and how she’s not as interesting as she used to be. First of all that’s not our business is it? What she does in her life now is her choice. But excuse me? Don’t you grow and change as you grow up yourself? Let’s break this down.

Old Jennifer

Did you do the same things at fifteen that you did at ten? Did you do the same things at eighteen that you did at fifteen? Didn’t your interests change? Did you do the same things at twenty-one that you did at eighteen? Did you like the same things or dressed the same way at twenty-five as you did at twenty-one? If so then something is wrong with you. Now where do people get off thinking people don’t change? Just because someone is a celebrity doesn’t mean they have to live their life the same way. Like Madonna. People say: " She used to do all sorts of things. Now she’s just boring. " First of all the lady has children now. And I sure as heck don’t think it’s proper for her to do the same things she used to do with kids. If you do then you need help. Secondly, she’s older. When you get older your life goes in a different direction. Madonna has always said that back in 1990-1993 that was her self involved state. In those days she was going through a rough period. She said that wasn’t her and she doesn’t recognize that person. I knew that! Didn’t you see Madonna was going through some kind of mental breakdown? Did you find some of the things she did normal? She wasn’t doing it for creativity like some think. I believe she was truly having mental issues. She also acted like she was on drugs a while there. You know I’m the biggest Madonna fan but I don’t believe she was right in the head. Come on, walking naked in the street? Unless it’s for feminism protest I don’t find this a good thing. But if we have children and change why do we think she can’t either? Having kids are supposed to change you. At least she knows that. I’d hate to see her nearing fifty with children and doing the same things she did back in 1992. Please!

People say Jennifer Lopez has gotten boring and doesn’t do as much as she used to. Didn’t you hear her say over and over that she’s trying to grow up and live a deeper life? She’s settled down. I’m glad she has. The materialistic Jennifer is gone. If you don’t like it then that’s your problem not hers. She’ll be forty in a few years. She doesn’t think the same. She won’t dress the same. She’s evolved. Duh! That’s why her latest album is called, " Rebirth ". She’s even ditched the J.Lo tag and it isn’t because she’s married. She began to hate that name because it showed she’d become self-involved. That’s not how the true Jennifer is at all. Living and growing is a process. If you don’t change then you might as well be dead. It’s not possible to be the same year after year. I used to be a certain way in high school. I used to listen to Hip-Hop (something I cannot stand now). I used to dress a certain way. When I turned twenty-one that changed. I was a woman. I’d grown. I stopped listening to rap music when I realized it did nothing but tear women down. Now I’m an activist against it. Why would I spend my money on something that refers to women as " bitches " and " prostitutes "? And when I became a feminist I loathed it. Personally I believe when you are a certain age you should leave rap music alone. It’s one thing to see a teenager listening to it but to see someone who is in their late twenties or thirties listening to that makes me wonder. I mean, you need to get into more mature music I believe. And after a while, doesn’t stuff like rap gets boring? A lot of rappers are getting out of it. Jay-Z said he stopped because he felt he was too old. He said it didn’t look right to be his age, hopping around on a stage. He also said he got bored with it. He wanted to create a better image. Queen Latifah said the same thing. She said she doesn’t think she’ll rap anymore but she’ll continue to sing. She’s a diva now. This woman is a household name at the Oscars now. You think she gives a damn about rap music? She probably wants to forget she was a rapper in the first place. She says that after a certain age you need to grow into a deeper mode. I totally agree. When I was in high school I listened to Warren G., Busta Rhymes (used to be my favorite rapper!) and Snoop. But when I became a full-fledged woman I didn’t buy that mess anymore.

I can vouch for change because we don’t control it. I will be twenty-eight on Sunday. I don’t do the same things now I did at twenty-four. I have changed so much in just the last four years I can’t even begin to explain. The movies and music I used to like don’t even phase me now. I no longer like everything I used to. I used to be obsessed with buying DVD’s. I love movies but they’ve taken a backseat to my busy life. I have a career now. I got bigger fish to fry. I have more important things to think about. To live is to grow and continue. Why should people be expected to be the same? Are you the same? No. So don’t expect them to be.

I wonder how different I will be at thirty. I think I pretty much have my personality down. This is just how I am going to be. I don’t expect my style will change much. But I am sure that the things that interest me now won’t even come into the picture. It’s the same about people who have recently stopped their blogs. Yeah I miss some of my blog pals that quit but that’s life right? Their interests changed. They gave it up for different reasons. I’m sure in about three years blogs will be nonexistent no matter how much we enjoy them now. And sadly, we won’t remember most of the people on the blogs unless it carries into friendship. Hopefully you’ll remember me though (winking).

We change in life. We all grow so we need to allow others to. Just because someone is a celebrity that we’ve focused on doesn’t mean they are supposed to stay the same. They are still human. We don’t know how we’ll change in the next year or so. You ever hear a person with their friends sometimes? The conversation goes like this:

" Hey let’s go to the so and so. You know how we used to. "
" Oh no, I don’t do that stuff anymore. I got to work and…"
" Man you don’t do anything anymore. You’re just boring now. Why don’t you want to hang? "

Hang? If you are a certain age and you still want to " hang " without any purpose in life then I feel sorry for you. Grow up and while you do, respect the fact that others can to.

Hey, check out my new feature in World Life News. I’m in the " Inside Scoop On " section.

Go to my site: to read the feature in my Interviews section.



P.S. What happened to Jennifer’s tour for the " Rebirth " album? I thought she was going to tour. Did I miss it? I don’t remember her starting the tour.

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At 12:49 PM, Blogger Joanne said...

AMEN. Change is usually a good thing.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change is good but Jennifer hasn't changed. She was lousy before and she's still lousy now. LOL

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Hey Ruben leave Jennifer alone! I'm a big Jennifer fan, LOL! Don't make me have to hurt ya now!

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

You're right fans/casual onlookers never wilingly want to allow an entertainer to grow. Fans/public are fickle.

At 3:42 AM, Blogger Abeni said...

Am always amused at people freaking out over Keshia Knight Pulliam in a music video.It is as if the Keshia on Cosby show is not expected to grow up and have a life.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger kathi said...

I love watching Jennifer in movies. She's got an innocence about her on film. And, I'm a fan of her music, though it's been awhile.
shawn ~ I'm not watch yourself guy. I still have the same favorites I've had for years and years. In fact, I hardly ever let a favorite actor/musician go, I just add new ones.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

I reasponded on this thread too.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

Hehehe...I see my entry now...sorry

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Ruben you are too funny. Well said Stacy.

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Brotha Buck said...

Hey, congrats on all the book deals!

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Thanks, Brotha Buck!

At 10:58 AM, Blogger chele said...

Without change there is no growth. You wonder how you'll be at 30? Hopefully, you'll handle it better than I did ... it was tragic. I laugh now that I'm in my forties. I used to be so dramatic. I'm much more calm.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Shavonne said...

happy belated birthday. I'm just a few months older than you. I've changed in the last year. I'm calmer and happier and a much better person to be around.


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