Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Brandy: What Happened?

Maybe I drifted and slept for oh…five years. What’s going on? Uh, I am coming to find that everyone hates Brandy Norwood now. Care to enlighten me as to why? I’m just wondering. When did she go from America’s Sweetheart to everyone’s favorite artist to hate? Did you know they got message boards all over the place just to talk about her looks? Everyone who is everyone has called her every name in the book. What do you think changed people against her? She still has loyal fans but she’s not as popular as she was. She has more haters than fans it seems. And you see how Mase has recently dissed her.
Was it the marriage thing? The fact that she lied? Or was it the fact that people felt she wasn’t as squeaky clean as her image? This is something that makes me go " hmm ". People are really dogging her. Some folks say she looks like a frog. Others say she looks like an alien and of course asking why Q Richardson would look at her twice. People then started saying she is spoiled, untalented and just got her career handed to her. As you can see, the haters don’t come up for air. I mean when they hate, they HATE. Let’s just say that I am glad I am not Brandy because from the looks of it, everyone can’t stand her. I can’t imagine that’s a good feeling. I don’t have a problem with her. I don’t hate on people. I was kind of a fan in the beginning. I loved her first two albums. I didn’t get the others just because other artists came along and I kind of grew out of Brandy’s sound.
Anyway, what’s the reason? It seems as though some campaign is going on here. I’m not surprised. I know people are really bringing out the hate these days. I just wondered if anyone could tell me why people hate Brandy so much now. People are entitled to their opinions but I am asking because I’m just curious. You should hear some of the things that people are saying. I even went on an Asian site and they were calling her the ugliest singer. I’m just wondering when it all started. Or was it always there and I didn’t know it?
Do you guys have a problem with Brandy? Are you a fan or a hater? I want your honest comments. If you like or dislike her, just share as to the reasons. I’ll respect anyone’s opinion because we all have a right to opinions. I just want to know the deal.
P.S. It’s not just B-Rocka (Brandy) because they’ve gotten on the " I hate Ray J. " campaign as well. Why must some hate? Think of how much better the world would be without it?

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At 1:03 PM, Blogger Dr. Deb said...

Help me udnerstand this too...was it becasue she said she was married and really wasn't?

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Joanna Arcieri said...

I never really liked Brandy as an artist but I could never hate her for wanting to preserve her America's sweetheart image. I think she has just fallen victim to the media.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Hi Dr. Deb...I believe a lot of people use the " fake marriage " thing as an excuse. I think people have always been very jealous of Brandy because she rose to such stardom after at such a young age. I think it seems like she was handed so much and people think she didn't work for it. I disagree. She's a bright and talented person. I believe that when people realized Brandy was human too (after having a child and yes, lying about a marriage) it shattered their opinions of her and they couldn't live with that. But is it her fault that people held her up to a certain image? I think people always felt Brandy was perfect for some reason but she makes mistakes too. Now, I don't know why they are going so low talking about her looks. People can think she's ugly but they shouldn't tear her down because of it. We shouldn't resort to being cruel just because we may feel someone doesn't look like we think they should. Brandy is attractive. She is beautiful on the inside and that is what matters. She may not be Halle Berry or Tyra Banks but she's not ugly. It's sickening that they say such hurtful things. They need to think about the fact that she is a mother now and would they want anyone talking about their mother? So, Deb I really think it's that some people can't handle that Brandy is human because for so long I guess they thought she was supposed to be perfect. But who is?

Cine---Always glad to hear from you, sis! Thanks for wishing me a Happy Birthday! You're a wonderful person. I also think that Brandy has fallen victim to the media. The media loves to build folks up then they love to tear them down even faster.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger LadyLee said...

I don't hate on Brandy... It's her life, and she has been very successful... but I think the media has caused a lot of her problems... I read an interview in Sister2Sister mag a couple of years back that cast her in a bad light, and I must say, made me think she was a little, um... off in the head. Then the fake marriage, and her having the semi-nervous breakdown... Of course, not enough to make me hate on her... This was all enough to make me think, "Gee, this girl may need a little rest or help."

In my opinion, even though we live in a hedonistic society, for some reason, society wants the stars to have this squeaky clean image... And when the truth comes out, when it is seen that a star is "normal", backlash occurs. We "normal" people ourselves can't be squeaky clean, but we expect those in the spotlight to be perfect. I think that was part of Brandy's problem: trying to cater to what the people want... She needs to take care of herself and her life....

I absolutely LOVED her first 2 CDs. It would help if she could scrape together another hit or two!!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Shavonne said...

There has been a hate club for brandy since I was in high school and that was over ten years ago. It's nothing new, at least, in California. Everybody seems to have known her at some point in the past and have nothing good to say about her. I think it's JEALOUSY. I don't have a problem with her.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

the detractors have always been there. the voices have just grown louder as her career has gone quiet.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Joanne said...

Hmm, I wonder the same thing... I have no idea why. My guess would be that the whole sham marriage thing turned those who didn't like her into super haters... I mean, it was kind of bogus what with the MTV show when she was pregnant and all. But, whatever, I don't really care enough... ;-)


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