Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Britney Go Sit Down!

Sick of her! She hogged the press up for years now that her career has dried up she’s trying to get back into the limelight with this baby. Every time I get on the net there is something about her and this baby! We don’t care! Like she’s the only person to have a baby. I feel sorry for that child. At the rate she’s going this poor baby will be in some sort of rehab before it’s two. Britney go sit down! America is sick of you! I’m sick of you and soon your baby will be too.

If, she has any fans left I am sure they are probably sick of her too. How obvious can it be that the Brit has lost any hope of returning to pop stardom? Let’s go down the line, shall we?

Hasn’t had a hit (or album) in at least two years.

People who once worshipped her now make fun of her.

Has joined the ranks of “ major has-beens “ the same as other recent pop stars. Her ex included.

Reality show got cancelled (Now that’s pitiful. You’re supposed to be the pop princess yet you can’t keep a shabby UPN reality show on the air? Shoot Meth and Red stayed on longer than Britney and Kevin and that show was ridiculous!)

Oh yeah and the biggie…she’s in a pathetic marriage with a pathetic husband. The rumor is she’s pregnant again. I don’t know if it’s true but do I care?

Britney when will you get the picture? We don’t care about you! And the people that did have grown up and moved on! Grow up and be a real mother! Act your age! Stop using your baby as a way to stay in the media. It’s not working. Once you’re overexposed you just can’t go back. Once people are sick of you, that’s just the end. Get over it!

Can we have at least one day without hearing about the Brit? I guess next time I log on they’ll be a photo of how she holds her breast when she breast feeds. Britney please go sit down. No one cares anymore. The only good quality she had was that she kissed Madonna. Okay, I won’t go into my Madonna obsession today.

But Britney you need to go home! Give us one day of peace, please! Look at her on this photo trying to be Janet. It’s so obvious. Didn’t work though. She imitated everyone, Madonna, Janet and Aaliyah (she held the big snake first). Remember Britney with that snake? She saw Aaliyah and did the same thing in less than a week. Janet should sue because any decent dance Britney used was hers.

I swear one of those Brit videos was “ Rhythm Nation “ big time. The only difference was the clothes. She’s never gonna be Janet so she can sit down with that. Janet wore this same outfit about a year before. She imitated Janet from moves to hair to clothes. Then when she found out Madonna jogs she started jogging. She knows the only thing she ever ran after was food. She’s supposed to be a dancer but at one while her thighs were bigger than mine! I just hope she’s not trying to get a sitcom. Then again I don’t think anyone would waste time giving her one these days. Then again Bravo might. Any network that gives Bobby Brown a show is beyond pitiful.

Look at that picture. Can you say “ stank “? At least the words are covering her face. LOL!


Monday, February 27, 2006

Special Treat!

Hey blog pals,

I decided to do something special today. I bring you the man with the mission. Yep I decided to post about my publisher Tony Rose. You can read about him. You can learn about all the things he’s accomplished. He’s done it all. He’s a songwriter. He’s had his own record company. He’s penned songs for New Kids on the Block, The Main Ingredient and Barbara Streisand. Now he has expanded his talent to books. He’s a wonderful person. Not just because he’s my publisher but because he’s an all around good guy. So look at the link and read more about Tony. You can also catch him with some celebs in these pictures as always. I posted this mainly for Joanne because she loves Blair Underwood and there is a pic of them at an event recently. Blair looks fine as always! Don’t drool too heavily, Joanne.

I just wanted to share another piece of my career with you. I hope Tony doesn’t see this. I am sure he is too busy to think twice about some ol’ blog. Good because I would be quite embarrassed. LOL!

Here is the link:

Blogger is not acting right again so the link won't come out. You'll have to paste it in your browser. Darn Blogger!


Saturday, February 25, 2006

Stacy’s Dating Tips: Ditch The Books!

Hi All,

Did you miss me? I missed you too. Let me send cyber kisses to all the folks that missed me. Now, let’s get down to business. I want to talk about dating. Why? I don’t know. I was sitting in my room watching a silly teen movie. (License to Drive) since you asked.
Ah, I was a little pup back then. 1988, I was only in Elementary school but to me it was a great year. For anyone who has seen the “ Coreys “ famous film, you know it’s basically a dating movie. At least it was a big one back then. So it sparked this topic.

I wanted to give some straight up advice. Okay, don’t get on me. I know you guys are saying, who is she to give dating advice? She’s not even married. HELLO! I don’t want to be married. I’m happy being single thank you, LOL. Believe me it is by choice. Anyway, my tips are simple. I think there shouldn’t be any rules when dating is concerned. Our rules should be left up to us individually. We’re different people right? Everyone has different needs and wants in a relationship. So why do millions of single women and men feel they need to buy books that claim to help you “ find the right man or woman “? I mean, come on. Aren’t most of those books pretty lame? I don’t know about you but I don’t need some stuffy Ph.D. (who isn’t anything attractive mind you), telling me what I need to do in terms of dating. And a lot of those relationship doctors are single themselves. Go figure.

So don’t listen to them. Listen to me. Come on, it’s your girl, Bootsy. Have I ever stirred you wrong? Do you love me? Do you trust me? Course you do. It’s the Voice baby.

Go with what’s comfortable for you. It’s a new age. Women need to start taking control and asking men out on dates. A lot of women believe the myth that men don’t like forward women. A lot of them do. If a man likes you, he will be happy you asked him out because it will let him off the hook. Ladies, men have it hard. They can’t resist us so they spend their lives coming up with successful ways to win us over. But if you’re a grown woman, confident in yourself, why can’t you ask him out? Now me, it’s no qualms for me to ask a man out. I’d do it in a heartbeat. Especially if I know he’s sweating bullets “ working “ up to asking me. That’s right. Men have to “ work “ up to asking women out. I believe there is nothing wrong with a woman taking the first step. You wait on him and you might be in the senior citizen home before you get an invitation. LOL!

Another thing with dating is that people assume a date has to be “ old fashioned “. People, the dinner and movie thing is through. That was over in the early nineties. You gotta get with it. Make your date so fun your company will want to marry you when it’s over. Do something hysterical! Something wild! I don’t want a boring dinner, movie and dancing date. No, shoot let’s go see a porn flick at an adult theater. That would be fun, LOL! Go roller-skating (Even if you can’t skate that’s most of the fun! Falling over each other and laughing like hens is a blast!) Plus, he has an excuse to touch you. And women love to play hard to get don’t we? Go to a comedy club. I love to laugh. I have a great sense of humor. Things like this break the ice. Go to the zoo! Go shopping. Shoot, help each other put up an entertainment system. Heck, if the other is moving, help them move for the day! As long as you’re together, it’s a date! When you have a normal setting you will naturally become comfortable. If you are comfortable, go to the gym together. Yeah get sweaty. Talk about breaking the ice. You’ll feel good knowing you’re not the only one who needs to knock off the pounds. Go driving. Go on a trolley or train ride. Go to a basketball or baseball game. Do something fun! Throw those boring old date ideas out the window! And if you want to include some music, crash a party. That’s right. Folks do it all the time. Just go to some private hotel function and stroll on in like you belong there. Do something daring (not illegal). This makes all the difference.

You gotta make your own decisions when it comes to dating. Maybe some people still like it old-fashioned but I don’t want to feel like I’m with my dad when I go out with a guy. See what I mean? We should be courteous and polite but ditch the stuffiness. It’s no fun when someone is putting on airs. A date should be relaxing. Don’t act like you’re at a business meeting. And dress for the date. If you’re going to a nightly picnic in the park (ooh these are fun and romantic!). Just be careful because some parks are dangerous after dark. I suggest staying in the car these days. There are some sick folks out there. But if you’re going on a picnic or somewhere relaxing, wear the right clothes. Don’t overdress. And if you’re going to the theater, leave the jeans at home, fellows. You can’t mess up on a date as long as you’re prepared. That’s the key.

Be confident. Don’t sit down and start talking about the “ plight of Iraq “ if you really don’t know a damn thing about it. Don’t talk about current affairs if America is at war. Don’t talk about Hurricane Katrina! Who wants to talk about tragedy during a date? Don’t talk about things you THINK the other wants to hear. Be yourself. Just because Brad and Angelina went to the Grammy’s doesn’t mean your date wants to talk about it. Understand? And would you? Talk about YOURSELF. This is the time the person needs to get to know YOU. Keep the conversation light, and fun. And don’t talk too much. Leave room for your date to break in. If she or he has to keep saying, “ Well uh…uh…yeah…I mean…” then you are talking way too much. Motor mouths are not appreciated. And I know it’s a sign of nervousness. You’re gonna be nervous on a first date with someone. Relax, breathe and be yourself. Talk about movies and music. Everyone in the world can relate to that. Talk about things you like to buy and places you’ve traveled to. Men, women are impressed with travelers. I can’t tell you how hearing of a man traveling to India would knock my socks off. Do not talk about your ex! It’s too soon to start whining about your ex on the first date with someone new. They don’t want to hear your sour grapes believe me. I knew of a date where a woman said the man started crying at the table about his ex. Pathetic. It showed the fool wasn’t anywhere near ready for a new relationship. Also, turn that damn cell phone off!

And men, when women go out on dates, we want it to lead to more. That’s not a myth. Most women over twenty-five are looking for a real relationship. So don’t blow it. I think a lot of men are still playing the field at this age but just know that when you take a woman out, she’s prepping you to see if you fit in with her and her life, LOL! Women over twenty-three don’t go out on dates for no reason most times. If we decided to date you, it’s because we either hope you’ll be someone to marry one day or that we want a serious lover. That’s it plain and simple. So fellows you have to be extra smooth.

I just broke it down for you. The kind of man I like you ask? I’ve spelled it out before. And please, don’t dare put yourself down because you think you don’t “ look “ good. Everyone is beautiful. I’d date a confident man who wasn’t very attractive on the outside faster than I would date an arrogant man who looked like a model. See the point? And the way you dress can help you a lot. You may not be The Rock, but if you do things to compliment you, that’s what counts. Dating is natural because we are natural. Relationships can’t be held to a mode. So ditch those dating books and go with YOUR gut. Be yourself! And your date will not only have you coming home full of fun, if you played your cards right, you may not be coming home alone.

Ha, ha!


Friday, February 24, 2006

If You're Interested...

Check out this page on my site to read my interviews:

I decided that I would no longer post them on the blog because I wanted to direct as much traffic to my site as possible so no more free rides with my press information, LOL! You'll have to go to from now on.

Be courteous enough to sign the guestbook while you're at my site. Sign up for the mailing list too to get inside information on me and my work.

Have a good weekend. I'll be back soon.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

See Ya' Soon!

THE VOICE IS ON HIATUS! (Personal Reasons)


With Love,


Note: Should have a new interview to inform you about in a few days. I'll definitely post the site and information!

I'll be back soon don't worry! I just have to take care of some things! I know some of you are wondering. Meanwhile, changed my template. Yep. This is the third one I've had. I get bored easily plus you need to change your templates every so often because it does get boring to visitors too. And you want visitors to keep coming! Hope you like it! It's simple, yet sleek and stylish. Also, the white blogs are in. Did you know that? LOL!

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Setting The Record Straight

First let me say thanks to everyone! I can’t believe the love you’ve all shown me. You act like I said I was going to the moon! LOL, you guys must love me huh? I love you too. I appreciate the nice things my regular blog buddies said along with my new visitors. Also, let me say, welcome newbies. I hope you continue to visit.

About my last post, I was depressed but not about life or anything. It’s just weird when you are used to people then they are gone all of a sudden. You naturally get attached to people when you spend months getting to know them on blogs. It’s similar to a job. You know how it feels when you’re working with people for a while then all of a sudden they aren’t there anymore? It’s a weird feeling to get used to. I am not depressed about it anymore. It’s just that I enjoyed getting to know some of those folks and I guess now I will never hear from them again. It’s silly how you can get attached to someone’s blog huh? But I did.

Don’t worry I wasn’t depressed about life or anything. My life is going very well right now. Great things are happening in my career. I am always positive. It was just like a slap in the face to turn around and see a bunch of blog pals just up and leave without warning. I got depressed about Joy (Paint the World Pink) leaving. She’d just started a few months ago and her blog always lifted me up. It quickly became one of my favorites. Now she’s gone. Like many others I won’t mention. Then again, that’s their life. I wonder if the people who stop their blogs miss us when they go too, LOL! I imagine they do. I hope so. I wish Joy and everyone the best. I still hope she comes back though.

So let me assure you that I am not leaving my blog! I hope no one thought I was. I just felt so weird about it. Like I said, it’s just natural to get attached to people then even more natural to feel bad when they leave. But I am here to stay unless Blogger stops its service, LOL.

I just wanted to clear the air. I didn’t want anyone to think I was leaving for good. And no, I am no longer depressed. But I am bored still, LOL! Not particularly with Blogger but I’m just in limbo right now. So much I could be doing just not in the mood to do it, LOL.


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