Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Britney Go Sit Down!

Sick of her! She hogged the press up for years now that her career has dried up she’s trying to get back into the limelight with this baby. Every time I get on the net there is something about her and this baby! We don’t care! Like she’s the only person to have a baby. I feel sorry for that child. At the rate she’s going this poor baby will be in some sort of rehab before it’s two. Britney go sit down! America is sick of you! I’m sick of you and soon your baby will be too.

If, she has any fans left I am sure they are probably sick of her too. How obvious can it be that the Brit has lost any hope of returning to pop stardom? Let’s go down the line, shall we?

Hasn’t had a hit (or album) in at least two years.

People who once worshipped her now make fun of her.

Has joined the ranks of “ major has-beens “ the same as other recent pop stars. Her ex included.

Reality show got cancelled (Now that’s pitiful. You’re supposed to be the pop princess yet you can’t keep a shabby UPN reality show on the air? Shoot Meth and Red stayed on longer than Britney and Kevin and that show was ridiculous!)

Oh yeah and the biggie…she’s in a pathetic marriage with a pathetic husband. The rumor is she’s pregnant again. I don’t know if it’s true but do I care?

Britney when will you get the picture? We don’t care about you! And the people that did have grown up and moved on! Grow up and be a real mother! Act your age! Stop using your baby as a way to stay in the media. It’s not working. Once you’re overexposed you just can’t go back. Once people are sick of you, that’s just the end. Get over it!

Can we have at least one day without hearing about the Brit? I guess next time I log on they’ll be a photo of how she holds her breast when she breast feeds. Britney please go sit down. No one cares anymore. The only good quality she had was that she kissed Madonna. Okay, I won’t go into my Madonna obsession today.

But Britney you need to go home! Give us one day of peace, please! Look at her on this photo trying to be Janet. It’s so obvious. Didn’t work though. She imitated everyone, Madonna, Janet and Aaliyah (she held the big snake first). Remember Britney with that snake? She saw Aaliyah and did the same thing in less than a week. Janet should sue because any decent dance Britney used was hers.

I swear one of those Brit videos was “ Rhythm Nation “ big time. The only difference was the clothes. She’s never gonna be Janet so she can sit down with that. Janet wore this same outfit about a year before. She imitated Janet from moves to hair to clothes. Then when she found out Madonna jogs she started jogging. She knows the only thing she ever ran after was food. She’s supposed to be a dancer but at one while her thighs were bigger than mine! I just hope she’s not trying to get a sitcom. Then again I don’t think anyone would waste time giving her one these days. Then again Bravo might. Any network that gives Bobby Brown a show is beyond pitiful.

Look at that picture. Can you say “ stank “? At least the words are covering her face. LOL!



At 3:07 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

I think it was a publicity stunt because I hope no one can be that stupid to let a little baby ride on their lap like that. Britney is so pitiful and desperate that I can't put anything past her. It's a shame that she has to use her baby just to stay in the news. It's like if she isn't in the paper everyday she feels people will forget her. I wish we could. I wish we would! LOL!

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Sunny-D, where's the positivity? :-) My new life rule, you say one thing negative you gotta erase it and counteract it with positive. So get to typing sistah, you gotta type 50,000 positive things about Britney -- that would be like an especially awful version of HELL, huh? Still love ya --

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Ha! Michelle Puhleese! If I could type one good thing about Britney it would be a miracle. Okay let me see, one positive thing is that she's not singing right now, LOL! Maybe once she completely disappears we can all type positive things about her. And yes it would be hell and a miracle if anyone could, LOL! She put herself in this mess. Everyone is sick and fed up with her stunts and desperate attempts to stay in the media.

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Abeni said...

Poor Britney.Maybe she'll have another divorce and then we'll get to hear all the juicy details.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all celebs are way overrated - This is caused by people like us who elevate them to this status

Perhaps some of them do deserve it, but clearly not Spears, her music sucked in my opinion - She was no Bono or even close at all


At 4:31 AM, Blogger kathi said...

Awwww, all the hatin' going on. She just got caught up in all the attention everyone gave her. At such a young age, I can see how it happened. But, personally, I've never been a fan. Taking up a collection for a car seat for the baby though...

At 4:42 AM, Blogger Mrs A. said...

i couldnt agree with you more...she never deserved to be a "pop princess" in the first place, with that just-woke-up-early-this-morning voice...she sounds terrible. and could she be any more trashy?? between her nappy weaves, her trailer park/stank ho fashion and that shamble of a marriage she has, she's just a joke...but i'm glad to see her go down in flames. but i feel for the kid.

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Miss A--Welcome! You had me falling out of my chair, LOL! I can't agree more.

Kathi--How much NyQuil have you been drinking? You know you can't stand her either, LOL! It's not hating because she brought this on herself. People are tired of her! Like True Blue Guy said, she never deserved what she got. It was just the media making her that big. If she presented herself as a true artist I believe more people would respect her. But come on. Why does she need to be in the paper every damn day? Michael Jackson doesn't get this much press. LOL! Call it hating if you want, Kat. You know I love you anyway. I guess we'll just be hating on Brit then. LOL. I think people have caught onto her and know she's old news. So why can't she get the picture? I do feel sorry for the child too. She's just using him. She's supposed to be raising him not having him just to stay popular. And don't let me get started on that marriage.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Rell said...

someone has to do the obligatory "ooops she did it again" hahaha joke. Ok, if not I guess I took care of it.

But I really feel sorry for her she went from being at the top of the world, got hurt, got married, got pregnant and seemingly it's gone down hill from there.

I don't think the pregnancy is the problem, I think KFed is the problem. He has "dead-beat" dad written all over him.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger MsJayy said...

No you did not say the only thing she ever ran after was food?! She's definitely overrated. Poor Baby Preston.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Shavonne said...

I think the problem is she married that good-for-nothing KFed. Who hooks up with somebody else's loser? Shar should send her a thank you card.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Now you know I agree with you 100 percent on this post. She got what she deserves when she took pregnant Shar's no good man. Poor baby though.


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