Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Brangelina: What’s Your Verdict?

Hmmm, the picture of the perfect couple...or not?

Okay Bootsy buddies. I got something new for you.

I want your opinions. Whether you’re a man or woman. Short or tall. Thin or thick. Black or white. Married or single. Vegetarian or meat lover. Gay or straight. Movie fan or not. What do YOU think?

The Dish:

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately you should know that Angelina Jolie has been named the new tramp of 2006. People have called her everything from whore to home wrecker. Despite the fact that Angelina and Brad insist they didn’t start a romantic relationship until after he and Jennifer Anniston split, America doesn’t seem to be buying it. So here is my question to you:


I think Brad Pitt is the biggest dog in the world. I don’t watch Angelina’s films but I always liked her. I am disappointed in her choices. I admire her for her work with charities. She seems to be a very nice person. It’s her life but I thought the woman was smarter than to be with Brad Pitt. Are you all falling for Brad’s “ act “? Some folks seem to think he’s changed. I think the charity act he’s pulling was so he can get into Angelina’s pants. Of course people do change for the better at times but honey I don’t buy this “ new and improved “ Brad Pitt. Underneath his new wanna-be-Angelina’s-baby-daddy routine, I still see the dog clear as day. That’s my two cents on Bradley.

Back to the question at hand. What do you think? I am sure you probably don’t care but I still want to know your opinions. Do you think Angelina broke up Jennifer and Brad? What do you believe?

I just keep wondering why the media is making this out to be Angelina’s fault. Even if she were a home wrecker (not saying she is but...) Brad wouldn’t be innocent would he? How come blame hasn’t been laid at his feet? He struts around like King Casanova while Angelina takes all the blame. If they were hitting the sheets when Brad was with Jennifer then they are both to blame. I’d blame Brad more because he was married to Jennifer. Angelina wasn’t. We can’t just blame the outsider without blaming the person who stepped out on the marriage.

I don’t know what’s going on. I hope that Angelina has more respect than to have been with Brad while he was married. You’d think that after being with a dog like Billy Bob Thornton she’d have more sense. What the heck does Brad Pitt have? He isn’t even half as good looking as he used to be. Nope I’m not buying it, Brad. I am waiting for him to dump Angelina. I know he will. I don’t believe they will get married. Nope, sure don’t. This reminds me of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. A relationship full of hype. I’m not buying the love. Especially on Bradley’s part. Of course people can change but it's going to take more than Brad cooing in the papers with Angelina's kids to convince me. I keep wondering if he's going to get bored with Angie once he stars in a movie with someone else.

Still, if you care to comment and I hope you do…what do you guys think? Is Angelina a home wrecker? Sure, I know you could probably care less. But it’s an interesting topic wouldn’t you say?


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At 4:18 PM, Blogger kathi said...

Can't place blame, but I feel so sorry for Jennifer. How sad. The thing is, I love watching Angelina and Brad on film. I don't think I'll stop going to their films, but I've lost a lot of respect for them both. It's not so much that they fell in love, things happen. It's how they have handled it.

Hugs baby girl!

At 7:27 PM, Blogger G. Cornelius said...

He has the finest homewrecker ever! I'll keep you posted

At 8:48 PM, Blogger MsJayy said...

They're equally to blame. I like Angelina, the actress but Angelina of Brangelina? Not feeling her. I'm a bit surprised there has been a clamor to remove her as ambassador. AND like Britney, I could do with hearing about them a lot less. Ya know?

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its very tough to say, but for a man/woman to start looking outside of their relationship there has to be a problem in the relationship.

If it weren't for Jolie then it would be some other babe - after all the man's is charming looking yes ?

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Shavonne said...

They are both at fault. They were screwing when he was still married to Jen I honestly think they did the do when they made that movie and that's why Jen filed for divorce. Angelina is a homewrecker. Let's not forget she ended up pregnant before Brad and Jen's divorce went through. I believe she set out to break them up. Even if Brad made the advances first, Angelina should have been a bigger person and said no.

I think Brad went all save-the-world because he wanted to get in her pants. I wrote about this in my blog.

But what do I know? I've never been a fan of Angelina. I think she's trash. Now Brad is trash too. I won't go see anymore of their films.
I've lost what little respect I had for Angie and I lost all the respect and I had for Brad.

Angelina will be the one to leave Brad. She's left all her other husbands and lesbian lover.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Mrs A. said...

i think they are lying about not doing anything while he was married, nonetheless, i think she could have made a better choice of who she hooked up with and became impregnated by TWO seconds after the divorce. and he is scum for leaving jennifer because i believe its because he wanted kids and she did too, just after she tried to progress in the her career a little more. if he loved her, he should have supported her and waited just a little longer instead of jumping into the first warm uterus and ready-made family across town. i dont like either of them-her cuz she gives me the creeps and does/has done some weird ish (kissing brother, drinking/wearing blood/billy bob thornton) and she looks like a vampire to me and him-cuz he's like every other man, out for self!

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Kat--I think that's messed up too. I am no JA fan but the couple were wrong for how they handled this. You don't have to flaunt your new relationship in the woman's face in front of televison cameras all over. I mean, that stuff is going to come back to them. It's just a respect issue. Even if they weren't screwing during the marriage (and I don't believe that they weren't either), you don't need to shove something like that in JA's face in public. Brad couldn't have cared about her if he embarassed her so much.

G--Okay another vote for Angie being a homewrecker, LOL! Thanks for stopping by.

MsJayy--I believe this is going to seriously hurt their career despite Angelina's works for charity. You got to uphold an image all the way around. Okay, I applaud her for her charity work but if she cheated with Brad, then what image is she trying to uphold? She can't be Miss Respectful on one hand then Miss Scandalous on the other. I'm not trying to judge but none of it made sense. They should have shut up and stayed out the cameras.

True Blue Guy- No one is disputing the marriage part but it's how Angelina and Brad have handled things I believe so many people don't agree with. It's fine if he and JA broke up. But it's like he cared nothing for JA because he and Angelina seem to want to stick things in her face. That's just wrong. I mean he left the woman. Can't he leave Jennifer her pride?

Shavonne--Preach! LOL!

Miss A--Yeah, Angelina DOES give off a kind of scary vibe doesn't she? She's always sparked me as very strange. Maybe she put some voodoo spell on Brad to make him leave Jennifer. LOL!

Khalli 88--Good point.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

If you ask me the home was already wrecked - Angie was just a part of the demolition crew. I agree with True Blue -- no matter what Angie did, if things were good at home for Brad, Angie could not have gotten in. Or vice versa -- Brad would not have been looking for anything outside of his marriage with Jen. And I place the blame more on Brad for the marraige's demise than Angie. He's the one that made the $1 million wedding commitment to Jen before God.

As far as Brangelina sleeping together while doing the movie -- keep in mind there is such a thing called an emotional affair and those can be every bit as powerful if not moreso than physical affairs. So if they didn't sleep together but were still bonding and connecting emotionally -- that's equally as bad!

Anyway, as a result...I've lost respect for both of these average thespians -- not that I liked either of them much to begin with!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

Yeah, I don't know??? This has been going on in Hollywood since the beginning. It's all hype to me. I'm a bigger fan of Brad than I am of Angelina. Mostly for the films Joe Black and Snatch, but both are to blame.
The media reflects this patriarchal society that we live in. They are always going to pat the man on the back and put the scarlet letter on the woman. I also agree with Khalli 88. Overall, it's all a bunch a $$%&*@! Good post.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Fresh said...

He is chasing tail just as most men do...when he gets tired of her (or vice versa) they will split and move onto the next big thing. It's the whole Tom/Nicole and Bennifer situation being played out again. Living out a fantasy. There is no loyalty in Hollywood.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger chele said...

Homewrecker? No.
Slut with poor judgment? Yes.
Brad is a straight pimp.

A woman (or man) can't break up someone's marriage unless the married folks in question want it to be broken.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Joanna Arcieri said...

OVERKILL. That is what it is. Okay, so Brad cheated on Jennifer, so they got a divorce and now he is with Angelina. I get the picture. But I don't need to see/hear about it all the time.

They are great actors and their personal lives have no affect on my life. If they weren't celebrites and if this American obssession with celebrity wasn't so huge, no one would care.

If you are a celebrity what I care about is the movies/roles you make and if you try to make a difference. Other than that, I don't care.

Now, as noble as I just made myself sound, that doesn't stop me from reading People magazine or indulging at a celebrity goosip site. No one is perfect.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger DramaFree said...

I agree with everyone else. Their marriage was already in danger, it would have happened eventually whether with Angelina or by some other means. BUT, I don't respect the decisions made by both Brad or Angelina. That was just dead wrong.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Abeni said...

Equal blame.It seems Angelina's family wa spart of the attraction.But who knows with these Hollywood types anyway?Am curious to see what their baby would look should be gorgeous,right?

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

Hey StacyD! What's up? To be honest with you I don't have an opinion one way or the other about Brad, Angelina or Jennifer.

I am sure there were many lies told all on sides; and who knows what really caused the breakup of the marriage.

I think the marriage must've been in ruins long before the public split because they moved on to new relationships so quickly. But my opinion is purely speculation.

I am one those you mentioned who really could care less about Brangelina or Jen/Vince.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger j said...

i don't think we know enough about the situation to judge. marriages end for a lot of reasons, and i don't think angelina should be blamed.

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

You guys are saying some good points, even the ones who don't care, LOL!

Cine, I agree. Of course everything about celebs is overkill mostly. They are the
" in " couple now but they'll end up like Katie and Tom. Remember them? LOL! They were everywhere last year now they are so unimportant it's a shame. Well no, actually it's good because I believe everyone was sick of them. And it will be another couple after Angie and Brad probably within in the month. It'll be old news soon.

Joey--I agree especially with the fact that the blame shouldn't be placed on just Angie. I believe that if we're throwing blame, both are responsible. Brad had a mind too right? Also, I do feel a little sad for Jennifer but I can't help to believe she put herself in this situation. People told her he was a dog from the get go. She looked like the fool when she stood up for him BEFORE they were married when she knew he was cheating. Then you're still going to marry him? That's why part of me can't help think she brought some of this on herself. I keep thinking of what Gwenyth Paltrow said about JA when they broke up. She said if JA hadn't been in the cameras all the time with that, " Gee look at me and my perfect man! " stuff, this wouldn't have blown up in her face. Gwyneth's right to me. Shoot America knew Brad was a dog! Why didn't she? And even though I wish nothing bad on Angie I can't help but think she is going to end up hurt as well. But I won't be able to feel sorry for her either because she knew his history too.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Hey Stacy: None of us really knows what happens in that marriage we are all speculating. I think it was doomed from the point of Jen not wanting kids. That is what happens when you marry someone without talking about your needs. I don't expect anyone to stay in a marriage if their needs are not being met and the other party won't even try. Brad was getting old and he wanted a child. But seriously we don't know what happened, why or when. I can't blame either one. I have seen some marriages break up with everyone taking sides and later finding out that they were all wrong. Like my parents. They were married 33 years until my mother said I love you but not like that. She helped my dad move. But everyone said he must have got caught tripping, but it wasn't true. My mother didn't want to be married anymore. They had been together almost 40 years and she wanted her freedom. Now they are best friends and see each other daily. So I don't know what happen to Jen and Brad's marriage looking from the outside. Great Blog Gurl as always...

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Dr. Deb said...

Ok here goes: Psychologically speaking, Angelina is in a repetition compulsion fallout from when her father left her when she was a young girl. She *is* a homewrecker in the sense that she needs to take a man from she needed to do with her father. That's the short version. I could write a paper on it if I had to. With Brad, I know less about his history and related traumas so I cannot apply any theories. The only thing I can say is that he has a tendency to dye his hair color the same as the women he is with, lol!

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Dr.Deb---What you said was humorous and knowledgeable. I agree. I often wondered if Angie's relationship with these deadbeat men stemmed from her childhood missing Jon Voight and the way he simply abandoned them. We all carry scars. It's how we deal with them that determines how we are in life. And though I'm not the professional you are, I have always been able to read folks. I believe that Jennifer Aniston has some dependacy issues with men. She seems to be the type of woman who can't do much without a man just like Jennifer Lopez. Some women rely on men and perhaps that is due to JA's father too. In case some don't know, it's John Aniston from " Day of Our Lives " He's a great actor isn't he? I haven't watched " Days " in years though. Gave up soaps. Thanks for your input, Deb! And I also notice Brad's hair changes. I hope he doesn't ever date Gqen Stefani, LOL! I don't think he'll look good with white hair.


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