Bad people mystify me. I'm not like other people. I can't just take something at face value. I'm one of those people who have to get behind the reason when something happens. If someone did a bad thing, curiosity gets the better of me. And hey, sometimes you just want to know what's wrong with people. There are different kinds of bad people in the world. Did you know that?
Do you believe people are born bad? I believe some are. I believe some aren't but I definitely think badness is imbedded in some from the start. Sometimes there is just no explanation or excuse you can give for a bad person and his or her actions. Let me take a moment to break down my theories then please comment and leave some of your own if you wish.
I am going to try to go through the different kinds of bad and put my explanations to them from what I've learned in life.
People Who Are Born Bad:
Note: These types of bad people almost always turn out to be vicious criminals.
Yes you can be born bad. If not, why do you think so many good parents end up with such bad kids that turn out to be evil adults? Why do you have those people who insist on being bad but no matter how hard you try, you can't figure out why they are like this? It's embedded in them. It's just their nature. You have good people and you have bad people. People who are born bad are probably the most dangerous of bad people because they don't have a conscience. You have to have a conscience to stop you from hurting others. That's the difference between bad people and good people. These people can do any vile thing imaginable and it won't ever matter to them. They can't bring themselves to physically care for other people. Think about your childhood in this case. Remember being on the playground? You know how you had that one kid (usually a boy) who just picked on everyone and did such horrible things? Then you'd meet his parents and wonder how could such well-mannered, nice people have such a little demon? Then you might here them tell the teacher, " We know the things he does. We have tried everything. We don't know why he insists on doing wrong. " Look at the cycle of this boy we all remember and see if it doesn't fit.
In elementary he picked on children.
In Junior High he beat up children.
In High school he raped girls.
And when he got into the real world, murdered someone then all hell broke loose.
I think that in the case of people born bad, they just can't be any other way. It's their make up. We either have to accept them as they are or stay the hell away from them. Usually the people born bad turn out to be ruthless criminals so you can't help but keep your space. I think that everyone, at one point or another has known someone who does horrible things over and over and we all have ended up saying, " God, why is he or she like this? Why are they so bad? " And yet we can't find an answer.
Mean & Hateful Bad:
Oh you know the kind. You really never notice that these people (relatives mostly) are as mean as they are until they're old. You'll walk around going, " Momma, why is Uncle Harper so mean? Why does he do such mean things? " And she replies, " That's just the way he is ". Want to know the difference between people who are mean and hateful bad and people who are born bad? Mean and hateful bad people are like this due to life experiences. Usually they have felt slighted all their lives. It may have started with how they viewed their childhood. They may have seen their siblings getting more attention, or see the other kids around them with more privileges. They may see every ounce of failure they have as a permanent roadblock which leads them to stop trying. These people can never celebrate your accomplishments. They see your good deeds as a personal knock to them. Did you know that a lot of mean and hateful bad people are uneducated?
A lot of these people have dropped out of school at one point and find that they can't get decent jobs or feel they didn't have the same opportunities as others. Of course they did but they choose to use it as an excuse. If you're fifty and you don't like your life, don't blame the world. Hey, the local university takes 100-year-olds. I think it will take you too. We can't blame our lives on other people. Mean and hateful bad people are easy to spot. They are very unhappy and usually very lonely. They blame their limited lives on everyone else. They use this as an excuse and crutch. Funny, most of these kinds of people never try to do anything for themselves.
Made-to-be Bad People:
Okay I could stay on this topic forever but let me wrap it up with this one. You have people who are bad because of who they hang around. Some people are so weak they can't do anything unless they feel they have others' acceptance. This is the mentality of millions of school children. They fall into this trap and it mostly leads to a life of crime. Before they know it their lives have taken a turn they can't get out of. I've read millions of articles on peer pressure over the years. Did you know it's mostly with boys? Boys crave acceptance from their male friends and I believe it has something to do with society. Males are bred from the start, knowing that it is their responsibility to be a certain way in society. Of course these days a lot of men are falling short. Made to be bad people aren't the smartest folks in the world if you notice. If they were they wouldn't let others pressure them into doing such stupid things. I always think of this old saying,
" If Tommy jumped off a building would you do it too? " Made to be bad people would. That's why they get into so much trouble. It's no excuse either way. If you're dumb enough to let people lead you by the nose and into a life of degradation, I can't feel sorry for you. I pity your lack of self worth. But I can't feel sorry for you. And who should if you're hurting people in the process?
Then you do have another kind of bad. You have people who aren't really bad but do bad things. I have yet to figure out why. I haven't read much on this one.
My theories are developed from what I've seen and what I've read from doctors' articles dealing with the psychological state behind bad people. I agreed with them and what I always thought has turned out to be good theories. I tell you, it's all amazing when you think about it.