Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thoughts, Celebrations & New Ventures

Hi All,


I know I’ve been absent for a couple of days. I’ve been extremely busy. I am still working on my anthology. I have one more short story within it to complete then I am done. My current publisher is looking most of it over right now. It may take me a while to hear from him with all the literary events going on (he tends to go to all of them) but I am very excited and happy.

It seems that with each ounce of exposure I get, more opportunities open up for me. Also, it’s funny that you can be more popular than you know. Yesterday I popped on the Internet and my Yahoo instant messenger was on. But I didn’t know it was on. I never chat on instant messenger. I used to years ago. I don’t have the time now. I’m laughing because within seconds about ten boxes popped up. “ Hi Stacy “, “ Hey Stacy “, “ How are you doing, Stacy? “ I didn’t know any of the people but they knew me. I could tell I was popular in the literary world because every so often I get emails from people who know me that I have never heard of, LOL. Now, with the messenger craziness I know I might darn well be famous, LOL! I had to pop off though. I was kind of scared because IM boxes were popping up on top of one another. Goodness, talk about Internet paparazzi!

Have you all heard about the new computer device that allows authors to autograph their books online? My mom told me about it and I also read about it on the net. I love the idea because I am one of those authors who live outside of New York AND very shy so I hate going to all those events. You cannot believe how many literary events there are. Every time I turn around there is something different. So I like the idea of this mechanical pen thing. Also someone was telling me about cyber book tours now. Yep, book tours over the Internet. Amazing huh?


I am so happy for Reese! Some of you know that I am a big Reese Witherspoon fan! I have been a fan of hers since she was a child. She’s a wonderful actress. She’s vibrant and I just love Reese to death. She’s cute as a button! She’s so sweet. I was so happy she won her Oscar. I don’t watch awards shows. Nope I hate them. I know Reese was up against talented ladies but I wanted Reese to win. It was her time to shine. I just hope Ryan can support her. I hope he doesn’t succumb to jealousy like some men do when their wives do successful things. Can’t tell you how many Hollywood couples bit the dust after the woman won an Oscar. What I like about Reese is that she continues to be the sweet down home girl most people love. Success and money hasn’t changed her. You can’t say that about most people these days. Go Reese! Love you!
For the record I was glad Heath didn’t win. I can’t stand him, sorry. LOL!

I am also happy that I received an autograph photo of Tyra Banks. I didn’t even ask for one. I emailed her to ask something about the show yet I got an autographed picture instead. It’s not that big but hey…at least it was free, LOL! No I am just kidding. It was a beautiful photo. I give big autograph photos of myself by the way. I stopped having contests so I haven’t issued any in a while. You want an autograph picture of me then let me know. Yep, authors give out autograph pictures too, LOL.


Okay this is the big news. Any of you noticed the addition of my new blog? Well check the profile if you haven’t. I just started my own interview blog station. “ In The Light “ is my new blogazine! I am now an entertainment interviewer. I will be interviewing different people in the entertainment field (actors, singers, authors, etc.). My blogazine is geared towards folks who may be known but not famous. Don’t you get sick of famous folks anyway? LOL! So check out to read more about it. I will air my debut interview in a few days. I hope you all will become regular readers of “ In The Light “. You can read more about it at my site, Exciting huh? This is to perfect my interviewing skills because I plan to have my own magazine in the near future.

Ahhh (taking a breath)

It’s funny huh? I complain about being busy and tired yet I always end up adding another notch to my belt don’t I? Well I’m an overachiever and I never run from a challenge. LOL! So, that’s why I haven’t been here since the other day. I am very excited about the new things I am doing. I hope you guys support me on my new blogazine. I promise not to disappoint and bring you “ the best interviews with the best people “.

The photo is Reese. She has reason to smile doesn’t she?

Love you!


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Joanne said...

Woohoo! For the blogazine!!! COOOOOL!

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

That's great that your gaining recognition. How many books do you have out and what title would you suggest for a first time reader of your work?

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Stephen thanks for asking! I had a novel out a while ago but it's pretty rare now. It wasn't mainstream or anything. I paid to have it published because I didn't know any better. I thought it was the way to go and the company misrepresented themselves as a " real " publisher. I used to be upset but that was a long time ago. I am proud of the story and it was a lesson I needed to learn. I plan to get it republished with a real publisher one day.

" Divas " is the top book for me right now.It's the international best selling baby that I am so proud of. I recommend this one! More of my fiction should be out soon. With publishing you can't always know exactly when. " Divas " is not so much a biography book but it also educates. Whether you're a fan of these ladies or not, many have told me they found it very helpful and entertaining.

And, I should finally have a lot of my fiction coming out in the near future. I have a publisher looking at my Latino story and my current publisher is looking at my anthology. Hopefully both will be out soon. It just takes so long to publish a book most times. I just hope one of these comes out quickly, LOL.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Abeni said...

You go girl.Looking forward to reading the interview

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Superstar Nic said...

“In The Light“ blogazine is GREAT!!!

I love Reese Witherspoon. It's just something about her and she certainly does have a lot to smile about!!!

Take care!

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy for you that you are becoming popular. While you do become popular its important to remember the humble beginnings that made you popular. That is TRUE appreciation of popularity

I wish you the best !


At 9:32 AM, Blogger kathi said...

I'm so happy for you, you so deserve all the good things going on.
That's a great picture of Reese, she's such a cutie!

Love you~

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

well look at you miss overachiever...congrats

stop hiding behind that computer...get to those events.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Brotha Buck said...

A white coworker of mine keeps telling me that my son looks like REese Whitherspoon, and I don't know if I should take it as a compliment, or be insulted.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Shawn look who's talking! LOL! I see you dodging the paparazzi your darn self. Love you!

Brother Buck--Well I don't know about that one, LOL! Reese is cute for Reese but for a boy I am not so sure. I mean I am sure your son is handsome but I don't know. Now if he looks a little like Reese fine, LOL! But if other guys start asking him out on dates in the future he may want to try plastic surgery. That would mean he's looking too much like Reese, LOL! Funny Buck, LOL!

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Shavonne said...

Congratulations!! I didn't watch the Oscars. I never do whenever I try I just fall asleep. I saw Walk the Line . It was great. I love her singing but of course I also like country music.


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