Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Friday, March 10, 2006

My Top Ten Blogs

Hi All,

Everyone is doing some list about blogs they most enjoy. Well this is mine. I am putting together a list of blogs I think actually make a difference. These bloggers actually say something meaningful from time to time. They can be humorous but they also tackle serious topics very well. I picked these blogs because of their ability to always hold my interest. I don’t go by a person’s hits or profile views. That doesn’t mean a blog is popular. That just means a lot of folks have tuned in. But the question is how many of them came back? Anyone can have a blog full of thousands of hits but are you saying something meaningful? A truly popular blog has nothing to do with profile hits but with content. If someone is visiting your blog on a regular basis, whether it’s ten or ten thousand people then I applaud those bloggers. I also can’t stand those blogs who don’t let people have their say and disagree. NEWSFLASH: It’s a blog! People aren’t going to always agree but don’t make them feel bad if they don’t! Let them have their say as long as they show you respect. Who would want to visit a blog run by some tyrant? LOL!

The blogs I have listed aren’t filler. I am not into glitzy blogs. You know the kind where the people really don’t have anything to say but just a site made up of designs and crap like that? I find them tedious and boring because the blogger obviously had to do something extra to dress up their blog. I don’t go for those UNLESS you got something important to say. And I am not into those glamorous-wannabe blogs that do nothing but talk about some star’s hair and make-up. Please. I’d buy a magazine for that. Is that all you can bring? What’s original about that? Sure you can talk about celebs from time to time but not every day. Bring something new to the table. A blog is supposed to be the blogger’s insights not full of cheap, glossy designs and boring posts. Don’t you hate those kinds of blogs? I visit those once I am out of there. You also have to update regularly in my opinion. I know it gets hard. We can’t all post a lot of times every week but when you leave your blog vacant for months at a time how can you expect anyone to be interested in it? You might as well give it up by then.

Note: Just because I don’t name your blog here doesn’t mean you’re not one of my favorites. Everyone I’ve added to my links is someone I very much enjoy. I also enjoy blogs I haven’t linked to yet. So please don’t feel bad if I didn’t add you. These are people I have known for a while so I wanted to give a shout out. I had a lot of other favorites but they fell off when they stopped updating. You got to keep it up, people! Can’t be a top blogger if you don’t update, LOL!

Now with all of that said, here are my Top Ten blogs and why:

1. Abeni- She brings realistic issues to the table. Whenever I want to know about various news topics around the world, I visit Abeni first thing. She always educates me and keeps me in the know with current affairs. I think of her as my own blog reporter. She’s witty, insightful and I can’t help but keep coming back for more. A true blogger at her best!

2. Rose- Lessons Learned is probably one of the best blogs ever created. I say this because Rose tackles issues with such sincerity and sensitivity. She gives her opinion about things but she never judges. She’s never had a hostile environment. The blog is always so laid back and spiritual. I admire how she keeps this tone no matter what. It’s also very entertaining.

3. Shawn (The Grump)- I just like the way he thinks.

4. Kathi- With Kat it’s hard to say. Sometimes it’s like she didn’t know what the hell she wanted to post. Monday she’ll talk about fishing and the next day it will be cooking ribs, LOL. I just have to check in because I am never disappointed and often leave her site laughing. She switches the script to something serious from time to time too. I admire that. I never know what to expect when I visit and that’s what blog visitors like I believe. She keeps me guessing and that keeps me interested. Plus, she’s a good blog buddy of mine. I love visiting. She also makes you feel comfortable. And not to mention she’s crazy as hell! LOL!

5. “ N “ Search of Ecstasy- One of my new favorites. I love the way she puts up her HAM/Hot Ghetto Mess pictures! She’s down to earth, funny and she keeps it real. She stays true to herself and I like that. I also love to hear her commentate on such pitiful people. You guys need to see those HAM pictures. Man those folks are pathetic, LOL! Her blog is great for laughs.

6. Ladylee- She’s just crazy as hell. I love her blog. Now this is one blogger who never runs out of something to say LOL!

7. Dr. Deborah- I can’t say enough about this lady. I am just glad she shares her expertise with all of us. Very enlightening blog!

8. Lady in Satin- She’s calm, cool and relaxed. She is a very sweet and positive person. I love visiting her and I love when she visits me because she always has something kind to say. You can tell she really cares about others. She picks me up when I am down. Her blog is the total opposite of anything hostile. The minute you click onto it you feel like you stepped on a planet of harmony. I’m not lying! Visit her blog and see if you don’t feel like running through the grass naked, sniffing flowers. LOL! It’s so serene.

9. Ruben- Ruben is incredibly weird and I guess that is what I like about him. He’s funny as heck! He goes through the most embarrassing situations but doesn’t mind sharing them. I don’t pop into Ruben’s space a lot but when I do he makes me glad I did.

10. Shavonne- Another blogger who keeps it real! She has a lot to say about various subjects and I love the way she says it. She also keeps me guessing. I just love visiting to see what she comes up with next.

Okay, these are my top ten blogs for now. Like I said, just because I didn’t list you doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy your blog. I just wanted to give a quick shout out to these folks. Have a good weekend!



At 12:54 PM, Blogger LadyLee said...

Me? Crazy as hell? Alright, if you say so, girl!

You're making me all giddy! Such a great compliment coming from one who I admire!

You know I looooooove your blog too:)


Thanks for the shout out, Shorty!!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Dr. Deb said...

Have a great weekend too!!!


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I'm glad you added Dr. Deb.

She truly is making a difference by getting the word out with different topics to discuss and always replying to each comment.

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Shavonne said...

Thanks for the shot out.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger kathi said...

I don't believe I've ever blogged about fishing or ribs...and you call me crazy?
I can't believe I got mentioned, really, I'm humbled. I think you're the greatest, you know that. I love you very much. I just wish you would come out of that shy shell and speak you mind LOL

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Superstar Nic said...


Thank you very much for the shout and I am so glad that you enjoy my blog. I really appreciate being in your top ten and I enjoy your blog to!

I agree that you make a very good point about not going by how many people have tuned in, but by how many have actually come back! That is what’s important to me. When the readers come back, it means that they a truly interested in what I have to say.

I love my blog family!


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Hi Stacy:
thank you for enjoying the blog, I just blog for myself but if others enjoy it too that's even better. I'll email you soon. I am in day three of the flu. Got out of bed to visit a couple of blogs. Have a great weekend and thanks for the shout out. Oh yes, I enjoy reading many on your list too.

At 4:25 AM, Blogger Abeni said...

First I have to thank God for sustaining me,family for supporting me and blogger for giving me an outlet to be heard-lol.Seriously,thanks for the shout out,my girl

At 6:21 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

Wow. I'm shocked. Cool beans. :-D

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you made my day by mentioning me in your blog. Thank you!

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Brotha Buck said...

Great idea. I'm going to have to do my top ten!

At 3:00 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

Agreed... Rose's blog is a wonderful place.

How come I didn't make the list? (jk... I understand)


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