Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Bootsy Banging in the New Year Baby!

Hola (Hello) All,

That's right, Bootsy's banging in the New Year, baby! I find it amazing how perfect strangers are calling me by my nickname now. They write me and go, " How are you, Miss Bootsy? " I think it's cute. Anyway…

Let me start off by saying I wish everyone a good year. I am going to make 2006 work for me. I don't know about you. I've got a lot on my plate right now. I have my hands in a lot of things. I am writing an anthology (never did it before). I usually just stick to novels but I had all these short stories dancing in my head so I decided to put them together. It's a comedic take on situations. I am very excited because it's something new to me. I will be getting that ready to shop around soon. I am still shopping around the Latino story. I am also editing another story. I am thinking about getting back into modeling. Did you guys forget that I did that too? I also plan to take more photographs. Surely you remember I'm a landscape photographer right? Impressive huh, LOL. Yeah I do it all. I even sing. As you all know my plans changed since my current publisher decided they didn't want to embark on fiction after all. But I know my work will find a great place. I already have a place in mind for my anthology so I hope that works out.
I am so glad the holidays are over.

My best friend overseas and I discussed how much we hate New Year's Eve. I am seeing that a lot of people are tired of it too. I didn't see the party crowd as much as I usually do this year. That's a good thing because I hate all that fuss. I am just glad the holidays are over. I want to jump into the New Year and seeing how I had no holiday spirit, this is a good thing. The holidays were nice but I had other things on my mind so I didn't pay them too much attention. That's what happens when you're writing and I am doing so much. I'm also getting ready to get back on the promotion kick. I'll be doing some things for myself. I don't rely on publishers to do everything and I believe most authors know that is smart. I also believe that I can be my own publicist for now. I have also realized that most people admire authors who promote themselves. All the personal promotion I've gotten, I've gotten on my own. The publisher has been handling the promotion of the book. I'm supposed to be in some magazines, but I am not holding my breath until my publisher gets back to me on that. My agenda now is to get in the Houston Chronicle so I will work on that. I probably could have before but being shy held me back. Now I want to do it. If it works out, I hope I don't get cold feet, LOL!

So, let me get back to my friend and I. We were talking about men a while back. I said how men are intimidated with me. She said now that I am going far and becoming successful (by my standards at least), it's going to be even harder to find a guy. I have always been intimidating to men because I'm a soldier. Most look from a far but don't approach. I'm not sweating it. It is nothing wrong with me and it's their insecurities right? When the right man comes along he'll be brave and confident enough to step to me. That's a real man. But my friend and I were laughing about it. And yes, I admit it has gotten even more difficult to find a " brave " guy because my career has taken off. But, I'm still young so… My mom keeps saying I'll probably end up with someone in the music business. Who knows? I am sure he will be in the public eye though. It's easier for people in the public eye to connect with others in the public eye a lot of times. He may be another author, who's to say. The heck if I know, LOL.
Let's see, what's on my agenda this week? I'll be writing and enjoying the beginning of 2006. Boy am I glad the holidays are over, LOL! My birthday comes up in early February. I'll be 28, wow. It amazes me that in June it will be ten years since I've been in school. Seems like only yesterday. I used to fret about my age back in the day because I didn't want to grow older. Now I am happy to. It means I am living and can enjoy another day. Plus I love my life right now. I'm finally happy.

Peace and blessings!

As you can see La Lopez has dropped in on my blog once again, LOL! By the way, you guys should see that beautiful autograph photo Jennifer sent me! I forgot to mention it! She sent it a while back. It was very beautiful. It's huge and black and white. She's lying on a couch. Wow. I will forever be a fan. She's a sweetheart.


At 9:04 PM, Blogger kathi said...

You're such a pup, only 28. Sheesh, and all you've got going. You are something else, girl. I have total respect for you.
The pic, that's not lopez, who is it? Gorgeous.
I'm looking forward to reading everything you write and saying, yeah...I know her. LOL, Hugs.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Hey Kathi, yep that's Jennifer! That's one of the picks from her Rebirth album. She looks different these days. I heard she had some work done on her face. Hey, that's Hollywood, they all do it, LOL! But yep, that's her. I have all of her albums and she looks different on every one. She's still good looking but I think she was prettiest when she first came out.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger kathi said...

Wow, so that is J Lo? Amazing. Yeah, she's always been beautiful, but this picture is gorgeous!

Four Brothers...just watched it again on dvd. Darlin, I love this movie, but yeah...violent. I'd say blood off the screen is a bit much, but there's definitely violence in it. But so is honor and love for one another and respect and, HON, Tyrese Gibson and Garrett Hedlund...PUUHHLEEZE! Reason enough. Mark Wahlberg, great actor, not as cute as he use to be, but I do love to watch the guy act. Mostly, it gave me a feeling of honor, love and commitment. Good stuff.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Van Cong Tu said...

Happy New year- all the best for 2006

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Deb said...

I seriously think that New Year's Eve is much overrated. My girlfriend and I always stay home and enjoy cocktails with friends & loved ones---we hardly ever venture out.

As far as men being intimidated by you & your success---it stems from insecurity and the ability to overcome that feeling of, "I must be a provider" syndrome. I guess it goes back to primative days.....I think?

In any case, you don't want men who are insecure about your career- you want a man who is secure not only with himself, but gives you encouragement to achieve your goals.

Happy New Year!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Drea said...

Hey Stacy I liked your comment on the Crallspace about diet drinks ;-) Take care

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Stacy you are so young. Yet you have accomplished so much. You will know when you meet him.. He'll lift you up and will not be afraid of your success. Whatever you want to achieve in 2006 you will.
I am not a j-lo fan but I believe that she is excellent at promoting herself. In a short time she has grown into this very good actress and is accomplishing so much in all areas, cologne, clothes, restaurants, etc. This year I too will be heavily promoting me and my authors. I am shy too so that was something I didn't want to do, but guess what! I am really good at. I googled my name and saw what I have done on a low level now I am reaching higher. So let's do this thing.....we can you know!

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

You sound so happy and I am so happy for you, Sunny! I'm glad the New Year is off to a great start for you and I wish you nothing but the best. I can't wait to see what happens with the short story collection you're writing. You're young and good things are ahead for you. I wish I could go back to 28! LOL....
Don't worry about a man that can handle your "success" when it's time, it will happen. Love has a way of finding us, especially when we're not looking. But when it does come a knocking -- make sure you're ready! Blessings to you...Mickey (arghh):-)

At 6:54 PM, Blogger princessdominique said...

Happy New Year! And you're right Jenny is a sweetheart. We lived blocks away from each other and her mother was my son's elementary school teacher. Make it happen in '06!

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

Happy New Year

I wish you greater success and romantic bliss in 2006.


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