Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Monday, March 20, 2006

A New Kind of Jealousy

Hi All,

I made some time to post. I hope everyone is doing well. I have to get something off my chest. Before I do this, don’t think I am upset or giving it a second thought. I just wanted to share this and get your opinions.

I notice a new kind of jealousy and hate brewing these days. It used to be that we only had to deal with people we didn’t know or people who didn’t like us being jealousy. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. I have noticed that the people who you felt supported you the most turn out to be the ones who can’t be proud of your success. They succumb to jealousy. I’m not speaking of specifically close friends, but of people I have rubbed elbows with. A lot of my peers in the literary world support my new venture as an interviewer. A lot have given me warm wishes and stopped by to show how proud they are. I am the same with them. You see I love to support others and I am the first to congratulate people when they do something big. But I don’t always get that in return. And I am not the only one in the world to receive this treatment.

Let me make something clear. I don’t give a damn about anyone who is petty and jealous. But I think it’s pathetic when someone can only be your friend until you do something that shows up his or her insecurities. How do we realize such treatment? Well, it’s easy. You used to be close to a person, now they don’t answer your emails. They once were all up on you now they don’t speak. You know you didn’t do anything wrong but there is a coldness there you can feel. I’m not stupid. I can tell when someone’s behavior has changed towards me. Some people are only your friends when you are at the same level as they are. But when they see you rising and doing more than them they just can’t hack it. At first it bothered me. Now I don’t care. My true friends and intelligent literary peers aren’t like this. The literary world is full of great, supportive folks. But it is also full of jealousy and you can’t see it until you are doing something remarkable. When someone is jealous of you is when you know you’re doing a damn good job.

I just can’t understand it though. Why can’t people be proud of others? It is so obvious. Until people let go of jealousy they won’t have any kind of life. People need to stop looking at others and do what they can do. I don’t care about jealous people. I know that a lot of people are jealous of me. People are jealous of anyone for different reasons. You can be an author, singer or cook. It doesn’t matter. There is always someone who is looking at you, wanting to be you and hating you at the same time. Well, people can be jealous all they want. Friends who I felt were friends can ignore me all they want. They can stick up their noses and do all the other childish things but I don’t care. See I don’t need them. They don’t stop my flow. They won’t stop my flow. You know whom I care about? I care about the people I inspire. And for everyone who is jealousy of me, I know there is at least ten others who are proud of me. I am speaking of someone in particular. Someone I thought was a friend. Someone I thought I had something in common with. Someone I thought was big enough not to ever be jealous and petty. Well, it’s their problem isn’t it? It’s one thing when the people you thought were in your corner really weren’t to begin with.

I know you guys have felt this too. I feel good because I know that I haven’t changed. I am still the sweet, loveable girl I always have been. I don’t hate on others. I don’t wish others’ failure. But I couldn’t ignore how it bothered me at first to see that some of the folks I thought would support this exciting new career ride I was taking have decided to give me the cold shoulder. Well that’s their problem and not mine. If they don’t need me then I damn sure don’t need them. Every year I learn more about being an adult. I learn more. I will keep learning. With every revelation I make about how trifling some folks can be, it opens my eyes. They can’t hurt me. But obviously I can hurt them just by being me.

Can anything be more pathetic?



At 5:59 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

I'm with you on that Stacy. It's difficult for me to understand jealousy because I don't have it in me to be jealous. I love to see people rise above there situations. I look at a beautiful and talented sista like you and I think that is wonderful! That's how it is though. You are only going to have a few (very few) true and sincere friends in life. I can count on one hand the people who love and care for me outside of my immediate family. The positive about all of this is that you know that you are definitely moving on up when their face get all bald up like that. LOL :)

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Joanne said...

Nope, hon, nothing is more pathetic. But, don't let those folks get to you. They're just lacking in their lives, no matter what they appear to have...

I know I don't have to tell you not to sweat the BS!

Keep on keepin' on!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Abeni said...

Unfortunately its part of human nature.At least you get to know who are really your friends and you can just ignore the ones who are full of negativity.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Bestselling Author, Pontif. said...

Oh, jealousy. Mind'll even find (if you haven't already) that it lurks in places you don't even think you have to look. Rest save in those you know you can trust. Keep everyone else at arms length...polite and genuine---but at arms length.

Continued blessings.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger DramaFree said...

It's true what they say...misery loves company, and there are many out there who absolutely hate to see others get ahead. You know how to get to them? Never let them see you sweat. Keep your head high and keep stepping Stacy.

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

I'd like to retract one of my statements. I said that 'I don't have it in me to be jealous,' but I do. Everyone does, however, the level that your talking about is toxic. It affects and infects the giver more than the receiver.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger lyre said...

A classic way to deal with jealous people is to ignore it. Go on with your projects and be as professional and as on point as you can be. This is a great enterprise and I think you will be very successful one day! I cant wait to see you in competition with O!

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Sunny D -- there will always be desperate folks out there who are jealous of you and want what you have. Some folks truly hate seeing others get ahead! Don't waste your energy on those losers and don't allow their misery to become yours. Instead of spending time posting about their triflin' a**es just keep on striving to be the best that you can be and keep on doing you. Continuing to be successful is the best revenge you can exact against those type of hateful, spiteful people.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Hi All-- Thanks for commenting. I don't care about jealous people believe me it's just that I now notice that people who were supposed to be peers or supportive now have their issues. But as someone said, it's the highest form of flattery. Their careers won't be anything more than they are unless they stop comparing themselves with me or anyone else they may be jealous of. It's just so pathetic and obvious that I can tell it's been going on. But I don't need them. All I need are the people who love me and care for me.

Michelle---Glad to see you're back. I posted this to bring attention so that others can see the trend of jealousy coming from folks who are supposed to be on your side. I have heard a lot about this lately, especially in the literary world. One author said that she was friends with another writer but the moment she got a publishing deal her friend started treating her awful. It's a new trend and it's very disheartening but it doesn't bother me. I just found it important to post. I also thought that maybe that person would breeze through this blog and see what I wrote. In a way I wanted them to know that I am onto them and that I could care less. Sometimes you have to put the light on trifling folks for them to see just how pitiful they are. LOL! They probably have read this but wouldn't have the guts to comment or either trying to pretend it's not about them. Who cares right?

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Whoever it is that is sooooo jealous of you -- you can best believe they are checking out your blog on the regular. And you're right, like cockroaches, sometimes you do have to shine a light on folks and their trifling ways. Whether they recognize themselves or are willing to acknowledge it and respond to you doesn't matter. Don't waste any more time on their nonsense. Probably the reason they aren't more successful is because they're spending so much time comparing themselves to you and others instead of spending that wasted energy making their own opportunities. Just my opinion -- I've encountered a few hatas of my own -- and I think they are a joke -- wouldn't waste a second posting squat about them. I suggest you do the same in the future!

At 12:36 PM, Blogger kathi said...

I can't ever anyone being jealous of me, so now I'm wondering if that means I've never been successful. Geeze, how sad is that? LOL, kidding, well, kind of. :)
You're such a sweetheart hon. You're open, honest and caring. You and I have loved each other even when we're on opposite ends of an opinion.
Don't sweat the small stuff babe. Soon, they'll be the ones saying "oh yeah, stacy d and I are best buds" Yeah, uh huh.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger princessdominique said...

It never stops Stacey this is only the beginning. You have to take these folks with a grain of salt. Funny thing is that like Michelle said, they're checking out your blog on a daily. I've experienced it and I know many of my peers have too. People will suck you dry if you let them. Don't let them. Keep your circle small and tightly knit.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Stacy girl don't let folks rain on your parade. At least that is what my mom would say. You just don't know how many folks will turn their backs on you and won't support your endeavors. I have always kept my circle of friends very small but I have been hurt by people who I thought were my closest friends. Even some of my relatives have not supported my dreams but I have plenty other relatives who have. But people will be so jealousy of your success that they will not even come around, just let them go. Keep your friends tight and talk to each other about feelings, and support their dreams as they support you. I have a great friend who is a publicist. I never took advantage of her business. I pay her like others would. She helped me when I couldn't afford to pay her but I found her all kinds of clients who could. That's what friends do. I have another who supported me by typing and keeping my databases and handling correspondence. I helped her start her basket business. I support my small group but that is not why I love them so. They are there at book signings when they don't want to be, but they want me to make it. But I have folks who are so angry that they are sabbotaging me. Get this: someone bought one of my books, cut it into shreads and mailed it to me with a note that I was a character in my book and told me that my writing sucked. But they went to the store and pay 14.95 and shredded my book. Who is the sucker?
My mother taught this and I try to live by it: In order for you to move out you have to help someone move up. God wants us to help those who need us the most. I know this is a long response but Stacy I am going through this now. It is disappointing and draining. I am so disappointed in someone that I really trusted and cared about So I say don't worry about it and let it make you stronger. I am hurt but the good thing is this, I lost 10 pounds in the last 20 days and I'm gonna let them help me knock off the next 10. Keep during your thing girl, you are the bomb. Okay I am telling my age, is the word bomb still hot??..(LOL)


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