Stacy-Deanne: The Voice of a Gen X Author

WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF THE LITERARY DIVA. Stacy is a best selling author, model, landscape photographer and editor. She is featured in the book, " Literary Divas: The Top 100+ African-American Women Writers in Literature " Stacy is a fiction author.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Fighting for Women's Rights Ain't Easy These Days

I'm outspoken when it comes to the rights and ways of women to the point that some have even labeled me a feminist. I don't hate men in the least. I just want them to step aside and let women do what they were meant to do: be ourselves and be appreciated for that.

During my fight to uphold Women's Rights from my end, I sometimes wonder why. You see the fight only works for women who respect themselves and get respect in return. Looking at this jungle we call a world today, I'd say it's less than sixty percent of women who know the real meaning of respect. What's sad is there are even less that care.

It's hard to fight for the rights of women when they dress like hookers. What in the world is going on today? When I go out I see more butts and boobs at the store than I could on Skinemax AKA Cinemax late at night. I swear I didn't think pants could get so tight. I didn't think shorts could get so short. I didn't think skirts could get so high. I didn't think it was possible for breasts to stand up fifteen inches higher than the beginning of the blouse. Hey, I love to show cleavage too. But there's a difference in dressing sexy and trashy. That's some women's problem today. They don't know the difference. Sluts are not sexy. Women who express themselves and their femininity without showing every crease of their behinds are. I tell you it disgusts me. It's bad enough men dress like they get their clothes out the dumpsters. At least they're covered, most of the women aren't.

And what could be another reason it's hard to fight for our rights? Oh let me see…could it be legs opening and staying open for men you don't even know?

Men have it easy these days. A man used to have to buy you dinner and date you at least three times before you even kissed him. I must be old-fashioned to believe this is a good thing. Now-a-days men don't have to fight. Seems to me all you have to do is be a man and a woman is on her back before he can say, " What's your name again? " Look you can sling it, fling it, and flip it in any man's face you want. That's your business. But what's with the pregnancy thing? Why is every woman getting pregnant from casual sex? Hello I thought something like condoms were invented. Some women use the excuse that it was the man's fault. No it was yours. If you'd had respect for who you were and the female race you wouldn't have four babies by four different daddies. Why do we fight for rights then throw them away?

What about the new " booty call " issue? Isn't this just another term for being a " ' ho for the night "? Don't dress it up. No one bought you dinner. No one took you out. This is just some man who got bored with his wife and wants to come to your place at two in the morning, hit it and go back home to the woman he loves and respects. What's so pitiful is that you brag on the phone to your friends. Hello! Uh, you were a ' ho for the night and didn't even get paid. Why are you bragging? You need to go to church and pray because you gave it up faster than the music world dumped Hammer. And this stuff about having sex so a man will pay your bills…I won't even touch that sick theory.

Be a half-a-ho all you want, just don't mess it up for the rest of us who are doing all we can to show the world we deserve to be treated in a certain manner. Keep your legs closed unless you can support the babies. And please stop having baby after baby just so you can collect government money. I think the government's finally onto this. And believe me it would be the first thing this new administration has been able to figure out without a pencil drawing since they arrived.

Four different babies by all those men, it's no excuse! Shoot even the homeless shelter gives out condoms! If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.

I know, I know. I shouldn't let this get me down. I'm a better person than that. But sometimes you can't help being pissed when you see someone not even trying but just going deeper into the abyss of nothingness and expecting others to help. I am sure I am not the only one sick of this. Then again, it's not my life. I just don't want any of this rubbing off on the decent women who work hard to obtain a decent lifestyle and image. Like I said, be a ' ho, just make sure it doesn't come down on all of us.

And another thing, these terms like " baby mama ", " baby daddy ", " booty call ", should not be encouraged. If you don't know why then you've got a real problem.

Now " marriage ", " responsibility ", " celibacy ", those are better words. Yep, much better words.

That picture is a new image of me by the way, Bootsy in all my glory.Later folks!


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Stacy-Deanne said...

Hi Marcus,

Why would you feel you shouldn't comment? We're both on the same level and I agree with what you say too. I am glad you enjoyed the post! Yes, some issues need to be raised. I hate to see how women are going to turn out as a whole in years to come unless some self-respect is brought back to the table. I suppose we'll have to rely on the young girls and teach them what's really important in hopes that they don't fall into some of the same traps women fall into these days. We have to bring it to people's attentions or else it's only going to get worse.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Abeni said...

I agree with you.Women have to respect themselves more and then in turn earn respect from the opposite sex.


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